Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And so it begins......

I've never been one of those skinny broads everyone watches walk by nor have I been on the other end of the spectrum. Nope, always in the middle....until today anyway. At what point does a person realize they're fat? I've never been content with my weight or my appearance, but I've never been to terribly motivated to change it. Well, today I had a defining moment. I hate doing things in the middle of the week. I like balance and starting anything midweek just isn't balanced. In any case, today I realized I can't reach my rear, lol. Yup. It seriously makes me doubt the hygiene habits of the morbidly obese (bless their souls). Here's a picture my wonderful husband was so kind to take of me before I made a fool of myself on the slip-n-slide (story for another day):

Scary, isn't it? Small children bury their faces when they see me coming. I have back rolls and side rolls and thigh rolls oh my!!!! Now, here's me one kid and two years ago (ie before the Benster):

That was also a good forty pounds ago. I weighed seven pounds more this morning than I did on January 1st of this year and I have no excuse other than pure laziness and gluttony. I love food and I have no self-control. I demonstrated this today by sabotaging my efforts.

The day started off good. I was tired as usual. I'm sure the whole lack of sleep thing has nothing to do with it:) I got the kids off to school and decided to take the Benster to the park for a walk. The weather was a cool 78 and breezy.... perfect walking conditions. I chose to walk at the Yale Rd. Park. The walking trail there is apparently only a half a mile around (as I've just discovered) but has some good hills. I made what I thought was decent time and I did three laps. Woohoo! It was over 80 by the time we left and I think my face was red for about three hours. I guess I got the blood flowing. I was so proud of myself.

Then I came home and had a nice salad for lunch. I had eaten a serving (yes I measured it) of Golean Crunch and some cantaloupe for breakfast and had three cups of tea. I don't know what I normally eat but by twelve-thirty I was starving. I ate more animal crackers than any three kids could with a nice glass of iced tea (sweetened with splenda of course) and a handful of goldfish. Then I made easy cheesy grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner (yeah, like my bum needed that one) and some wonderful oatmeal chocolate chip cookies compliments of Betty Crocker. Luckily they won't temp me again as that was the last package. I could have done so much better.

I've learned that with some things you take it one minute at a time. Today was one of those days. Tomorrow's a new one. So for tonight...my fat bum and I will be lounging in jammies with cranky kids...trying not to eat all of the cookies:)